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Godzilla vs Kong

Godzilla vs. Kong (Post of the Month)


Yes, I'm writing a paper on the new movie Godzilla vs. Kong. This essay is not for the uninitiated. I'm not going to hamstring myself by walking you through how I got here. I'm going to be writing about the bleeding edge of my thoughts. I think that Godzilla vs. Kong contained many hidden messages and profound meaning. I think you had the usual Hollywood tricks, but also some truth drops as well as an esoteric theme.

Godzilla represents God. King Kong represents Humanity. Mechagodzilla represents technology.

King kong doesn't bow down to anyone, not even Godzilla. This pisses Godzilla off. Godzilla pins King Kong, and instead of finishing him off with his atomic breath, he just roars in his face, and Kong finally submits with a roar of his own acknowledging, "Ya, you win". Godzilla has proven his point and walks away.

In an earlier scene, Godzilla attacks the corporation Apex because they are making Mechagodzilla and trying to replace him. God doesnt like technology trying to play God. The theme of this movie is that once man submits to God, he and God can work together to overcome technology. Technology is the real enemy. The little deaf girl in the film who communicates with Kong even tells him, "Godzilla is not your enemy. That (Mechagodzilla) is your enemy." So King Kong, who represents us and our hubris, switches from losing an impossible battle with God, to teaming up with God against technology.

The hollywood tricks are having things like wacky conspiracy theorists and podcasts and kind of poking fun at the whole truth movement. They even mention fluoride in the tap water. Hollywood also drops a 33 several times in the film, but none more significant than in the elevator. In the beginning of the movie, you have a black podcaster conspiracy theorist trying to expose his own company, apex. He hacks into the computer and sees something secret on "Sublevel 33" in the manifest. The number 33 is a reference to freemasonry and the 33rd degree being the highest degree.

Later in the elevator, the black guy and millie bobby brown and her sidekick are traveling to the sublevel 33 and the sidekick asks, "How deep does it go?" and the black guy replies, "Hell. It goes all the way to Hell". This is one of the most crucial parts of the movie to understand. Since the 33rd sublevel is a reference to freemasonry, the sidekick is really asking "What happens if you keep progressing after reaching the 33rd rank?" And then Hollywood is saying back, "You can keep going deeper and deeper into the secret societies until it takes you all the way to hell." Like the Devil, is an infinity degree mason.

See, Lucifer thought he could outdo God. That's the whole idea of this movie. Godzilla is God which means he rules over Kings, like King Kong. God is King of Kings. But Lucifer thinks he can use technology to overpower God. Lucifer goes to war with God. Lucifer loses and is cast out to Earth with his angels. That's where we are. Lucifer is still trying to outdo God by playing God himself in a competitive way.

So eventually, like in the final scene of the movie, technology and God will go to war again, and humanity will be watching. And we should side with God and defeat technology. Instead of rebelling against God, like Humanity is currently doing, we should be rebelling against technology instead and honouring God.

The Luciferian mindset would be for Kong to side with Mechagodzilla and watch Godzilla die. The Irony of that is that Mechagodzilla would probalby kill King Kong after he's done with Godzilla.

Godzilla is the only thing capable of overpowering King Kong without killing him. Like, King Kong has to choose in the final scene between two masters. Technology or God. Only God will spare him as his master. Technology will destroy him. The little deaf girl explains this to him and she would represent wisdom or compassion in this movie. So Kong sides with Godzilla and then has a truce with him at the end, an understanding that they can work together, and that Godzilla could kill him if he really wanted to, and that's okay,

Better to deal with the devil you know, then the one you don't.

You cannot serve two masters, God and Technology. Either you will hate one or despise the other, In the bible the two masters are God and Money. But I think Technology is becoming more important than money.

Godzilla even has God in his name. And King Kong is a monkey, and we have most in common with monkies. I think it's a Titan Metaphor for the relationship between God, Man, and Technology. I think the deeper you go into freemasonry, the closer you get to hell. Hell is for people who chose Technology over God. Hell is the place for The Devil who was Lucifer and all the fallen Angels who thought they could do better than God.

Trying to replace God is the ultimate act of disrespect toward your creator. I always operate under the assumption that I know very little compared to God. I see more wisdom in a tree than I do in most people. I see the branches sprawling in different directions to get sunlight, and the root structure making the most of its surroundings. I view nature as supremely intelligent. Man can try to beat it with technology, but that's a luciferian pursuit. I think there is a place for technology, but that it's important to respect God and Nature while you're building it.


Again, if you think you don't need God to get to Heaven. If you think you can create your own heaven or be your own God that is what Lucifer thought too. If you think you don't need the keys to Hades that Jesus has to overcome death, if you think you can build your own keys and become immortal yourself with technology then you are antichrist and luciferian.

Also, notice how the human who builds the technology to overthrow God(zilla) ends up getting killed by his own technology. So, the message God is sending is that if you try to overthrow him with technology it will be your own demise. That path is death. Surrendering to God is the only path to life, for King Kong, or humanity.


Watch Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 for free here

Killjoy Returns!

Diamond Shotty Sniper Gameplay - Cold War PS4

Theater mode now allows me to upload to youtube directly


May's Blog is live.

I can fly




Gnarles Barkley has a song called Crazy. Almost everybody has heard it. But there is a difference between hearing it, and living it.

In the first verse he is reflecting on a time he went crazy. He says "I was out of touch, but it wasn't because I didn't know enough. I just knew too much".

I just bought a new hoody, and I love the strings that come down around the hood, because they remind me on my sanity.

When you truly go crazy, and end up in a psyche ward, they take the string from your hoodie so you can't hang yourself. I never got mine back and the lack of a string served as a reminder for me of that situation.

Now I'm able to buy a new hoodie with new strings and think about how they'll never take them away from me again.

I like what Gnarles Barkley says about going crazy because it's true.

People thought I was crazy because I was going by the name of Elam and taking very drastic measures to change the world.

I called myself Elam, because I was in a state of rebellion. I realized that the enemy of the state was man. This evil society is deprived of real men. It's been so stamped out of us we don't even know what a real man is anymore.

Here is a video of a girl explaining the crisis of men today. Testosterone and sperm counts are pathetic. This girl is smart and I would say she has a clue, but any measurement of society without taking into account the grand conspiracy and false reality is incomplete, so I will assist her.

It's not an accident that men are dwindiling in their masculinity. There's not even such a thing as a man anymore, if you want to be policitaclly correct. It's said it is a spectrum of gender, and men can just switch if they feel like it.

I myself grew up as a rather masculine boy, comparitively speaking. I played some quarterback and won a fist fight or two. I also dated feminine girls and whatnot. My perspective is that if I am struggling with my own masculinity, the rest of the world is completely fucked.

I couldn't have asked for an easier ride to success as a male. So if my path is difficult, god only knows what horrors haunt the men around me.

Online pornography is contributing to the destruction of men.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for some guys, given how difficult it is for me, and I have real experience with real girls to compare it to.

Shortly before going "Gnarles Barkley Crazy" I started getting into some weird porn that was actively encouraging my feminitity and the destruction of my masculinity. I think you catch my drift.

I was terrified at how much it turned me on and I feared I would lose my masculinity forever, so I rebelled.

Tonight, I was reading Jordan Peterson's book 12 Rules for Life and he talks about the person's need to pick an ideal that is superior to oneself and reach for it even if they can't grab it.

I chose to aspire to be "The Alpha Male" because it was the opposite of what I had been devolving into due to the porn and other factors.

Alpha Male spelled in reverse is Elam Ahpla. The capitilization really hides it. And I love the name Elam. I've been baptized with the name of Elam.

Anyway, in my quest to reach my new ideal of the alpha male, I shut down most of my electronics and quit all my vices. I became new.

Quitting smoking cigarettes and weed, and watching porn, and playing video games caused a massive shock to my system, and ultimately resulted in some cannibis-withdrawal psychosis, so I did go "out of touch" but I never lost sight of the purpose of my rebellion.

Getting locked up as a crazy person was better than continuing to degrade myself day by day, erasing what little masculinity I had left, and getting off on it.

I didn't care what my fate was, as long as it was in the other direction as to what I was doing.

Now I've learned that I went too far, and quiting all those things at once was asking for trouble, but I'm ready to try again.

I've successfully quit marijuana and tobacco. I haven't had them since new year's eve, and before that for several more months.

I've been using porn though, and gaming, and I'm not ready to give up gaming, but I think I have to seriously reduce my porn usage, if not altogether wipe it out. Because there's no substitute for gaming, in videogames I can have a fight to the death without the risk of dying. The substitute for porn is sex, which is actually better. Call of Duty in real life is war, which is not ideal.

This system is evil that we live under. The last thing it wants is an alpha male. So that is what I wish to become. Not only do I want to return to my former form, when I was at my most masculine, maybe senior year of high school, but I want to surpass that form, and truly represent everything this system is trying so desperately to destroy.

I use the name of Max to operate legally in this life. But I have declared myself an LLP, or a limited liability person. And my true identity, my spiritual self-given identity is Elam. And whatever happens to Max that is bad, does not bring Elam down with it. Elam is my spiritual self. My ideal that I'm chasing. My ideal within.

I have learned from my experience trying to radically change my life, and make no mistake, I will try again, and I will succeed.


I took french so I could write songs in french and this is the result!


LLP Limited Liability Person

In this 5 minute video, I discuss the implications of LLC's on spirituality

I turn it off by accident after 5 mintues, but I think I've made my point by then.


God Game


I created a choose your own adventure web app where you play as God

I will add more to it over time. Kinda cool


Coding for Smarties


Cold War Strategy Guide


Click to reveal my review and strategy guide of Call of Duty Cold War




I first saw this video of a man passing the bar on my linkedIn Newsfeed on mute. I liked it so much that I decided to repost it but I never actually listened to it until today. The mother yells, "Hallelujah, thank you Jesus!" and I think that's really cool giving credit to God.

Sometimes I go on bibledice, like I did just now, and I get the perfect quote. I just got:

"Colossians 3:17 And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him."

Tell me that doesn't apply to what I was just talking about.

Sometimes I'll go on bible dice and ask a specific question before I hit the button. I asked, "Am I doing good with this website? Am I doing what you want me to do?"

Here's what I got immediately:

Ecclesiastes 1

Vanity of vanities, says the Preacher

Vanity of vanities! All is vanity.

I was kind of shocked by the answer I got. I think people are typically afraid to ask God questions because of what he might say, but I'll just speak for myself. I'm often shy about asking for anything because I think I don't deserve it or that I'm not doing everything in my power to get it myself.

Any question I can formulate for God I can usually formulate an answer that comes to me immediately of what he might say, however, in this method I usually do not like the answers.

Anyway, back on topic, I kept clicking for more verses for further clarification on if God thought my website was pure vanity. I proceeded to get the very next verse in the same passage about vanity and then basically like 7 verses in a row about the exact same answer to my question.

The full verse is so poetic I'm going to share it below. I don't want this whole blog to be a bible verse, but I think it's worth studying the bible. It's just too important to brush off in my opinion.

Ecclesiastes 1

English Standard Version

All Is Vanity

1 The words of the Preacher,[a] the son of David, king in Jerusalem.

2 Vanity[b] of vanities, says the Preacher, vanity of vanities! All is vanity.

3 What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun?

4 A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.

5 The sun rises, and the sun goes down, and hastens[c] to the place where it rises.

6 The wind blows to the south and goes around to the north; around and around goes the wind, and on its circuits the wind returns.

7 All streams run to the sea, but the sea is not full; to the place where the streams flow, there they flow again.

8 All things are full of weariness; a man cannot utter it; the eye is not satisfied with seeing, nor the ear filled with hearing.

9 What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun.

10 Is there a thing of which it is said, “See, this is new”? It has been already in the ages before us.

11 There is no remembrance of former things,[d] nor will there be any remembrance of later things[e] yet to be among those who come after.

The Vanity of Wisdom

12 I the Preacher have been king over Israel in Jerusalem.

13 And I applied my heart[f] to seek and to search out by wisdom all that is done under heaven. It is an unhappy business that God has given to the children of man to be busy with.

14 I have seen everything that is done under the sun, and behold, all is vanity[g] and a striving after wind.[h]

15 What is crooked cannot be made straight, and what is lacking cannot be counted.

16 I said in my heart, “I have acquired great wisdom, surpassing all who were over Jerusalem before me, and my heart has had great experience of wisdom and knowledge."

17 And I applied my heart to know wisdom and to know madness and folly. I perceived that this also is but a striving after wind.

18 For in much wisdom is much vexation, and he who increases knowledge increases sorrow.

Wow! Right?

"He who increases in knowledge increases sorrow". Ignorance is bliss.


I'm not really a coder/philosopher guy. I'm a jock, pretending to be smart. I'm an imposter. I'm a chicken. I had a condition develop in college that caused me severe social anxiety so I tried to see how much damage I could do long-distance. I become a pro in gaming, chess, coding, music, anything I could do from afar, and my in-person skills like being an amazing athlete with incredible social skills and popularity -- those skills all deteriorated.

I've sense balanced out a tiny bit. My social anxiety is gone but the damage was done. I'm basically an introvert now, but it doesn't take long to recognize when your with me that my true element is playing beer bong all night and hitting on girls or throwing a football.

Anyway, I can tell you that the knowledge I gained in my quest to stay away from people but still try to be competitive -- In that quest I gathered so much knowledge that caused sorrow. When you see what the white blood cell sees, you realize that the body is in the process of dying. This society is sick, and the more you know the more you realize that, and not only is it sick, but the other blood cells are toxic and contributing to the sickness, and it's impossible to convince them of that. See my post below called White Blood Cells for more on that actual process. I use real academic sources!

Knowledge is sorrow.

Anyway, I heard an excellent presentation today the QOC (quatum of conscience) recommended. I'll include it here:

This video is similar to a blog post I already made about the narrow gate but he makes some astronomically brilliant parallels between faith in Jesus and faith in the Vaccine.

See, the belief or teaching that all you have to do to get into heaven is just believe in Jesus as if he already did all the work for you is a little bit too convenient to be truly a narrow gate. Lots of people would take that deal.

Who do you think gets into heaven? Someone who decides at the last second to believe in Jesus before he dies without ever reading the bible, or someone like me who reads it periodically and changes his mind back and forth and contemplates it deeply and experiments with it?

See blind faith is not enough. Even if you read it every day, if you never explore your own doubts then in my opinion your faith is hollow. It is only when you've explored both faith and doubt to the fullest that you can truly begin to believe.

Evil Preacher

I was once in the house of a Christian woman and I asked after church if she had any questions. She dropped the dish she was carrying and was so startled by the notion that she should be allowed to explore her doubt that I could see in her she had been programmed by that church to just accept whatever they say is true. That church was also evil because I asked the preacher a simple question in front of everyone and he couldn't give me a good answer, and I had countless people come up to me after and share their astonishment at my good question.

I said, "How do I believe in God when things are going well and I have a lot of money? It's easier for me to believe in God when I am poor or things are not going well, but if I'm living large, how can I keep my faith in God when I don't need him?"

Something like that. I was prodding at the idea that God is easy to believe in for the Weak, who need it to feel okay about their bad situation. But when you're living super well, there is less need to tell stories or believe in fairy tales. It's a pattern I had noticed in my own life, and I've read Nietzche and understand and respect the best counterarguments of Christianity.

He gave me some bullshit verse in Matthew about tending the Lillies. Like, don't worry about money, God will clothe you like he does the flowers. That doesn't answer my question, it just proves my point. I'm not worried about God not taking care of me when I'm poor, I was worrying about leaving God behind when I'm rich, and the "expert" in the room couldn't direct me to a verse I hadn't already read in the most blatantly obvious part of the bible.

Here's how I know they were evil. It was subtle, but clear as day. One of the "brothers" of the church was ill or maybe his wife was or something bad. Anyway we had a group prayer for him. Okay, no problem, I'll do it. But then, get this! After that they had a seperate special "Brothers Only" prayer. Where some people with higher spiritual status got up onto the stage and only they were allowed to pray for that same thing.

They wanted us all to watch in admiration at like 9 guys huddled up doing a prayer where we aren't allowed to participate because we are not worthy or would screw it up. Disgusting. To have a special prayer is fine but to make us all watch? I walked out and never went back. Those poor souls in the audience don't realize what sort of game the preacher was playing. They didn't care about the missing brother's problems. He might have been on vacation getting his dick sucked. They only cared about creating an exclusive class and power structure within their church so they could humilate and demean their audience and we would all look up to them as superior. It truly is the opposite of what Christ would do. Christ would bend down and tie your shoelace, and pay attention to the lowest of the low, and he would never dream of excluding you from anything as "less than" him. He would welcome you as an equal, and he came to be a servent to, rather than to be worshipped. These priests I encountered were frauds and whipped the whole thing upside down right in front of everybody too fast for them to notice.

Anyway, God told me I'm vain. He told me, "This website you're making, it won't change anyone's mind. It won't glorify me, It's just vanity." And it is. It's mostly vanity. I made a music app and I like it and I listen to it and I don't care if no one else does. It's my damn iPod. I have all my music on my web app and it serves as my iPod. I like writing this blog and I don't care if I'm the only one reading it. I love myself. I don't want to be vain. I need to work on my ego and my vanity. I want to be better, but boy was God right with Bibledice. I do think it's good to code. I do not think I'm supposed to let my skills go to waste, but I definitely have to keep an eye on my vanity.


Advanced Chess Lesson


In this video I analyze my most recent game on against a 1900 player.

I think it's my best tutorial yet because computers make unrealistic moves and this game is close throughout.


Analytics and Affiliate Marketing


I started paying $9.99 per month for analytics of this site through Netlify. I have over 2600 page requests and 600 unique viewers of the website in the last 30 days and viewership is growing.


So I have decided to try to monetize the site in a non invasive way.

I changed my contact tab to a shop tab where you can shop on amazon and I get a commision. I also took the reviews I already wrote for various products and made it so if you click on the picture it takes you to where you can buy it on amazon.

I hope you don't mind me trying to learn ways to pay for the site.

I have been working very hard on providing you all great content!

White Blood Cells


It's not the White Blood Cell's job to convince the Red Blood Cells that there is an infection.

The White Blood Cell is supposed to take the evidence to other White Blood Cells and attack the infection together.

It's not that the white blood cells are better or smarter than the red blood cells, it's that they have a different purpose.

A red blood cell does its job carrying oxygen to the organs and tissues. It is vital to the body's survival.

So too is the white blood cell. The WBC scans for signs of danger. The WBC shapeshifts to move more quickly before erradicating it's target.


White blood cells are less common than red blood cells.

White blood cells recognize when the body is under attack before red blood cells do because it is the job of the wbc to be alert.

If a white blood cell wasn't confident enough in what he saw, and asked around with red blood cells, or tried to convince them of the infection, nothing would get done and the body would die.

It is the duty of the white blood cell to ignore the red blood cells and commune with other wbcs and form a strategy of how to engulf or kill the infection in order to save the body.

"Bacterial infection causes red blood cells to rupture, releasing the oxygen-transporting molecule haemoglobin. As this oxidizes, it releases free haeme, which can trigger programmed cell death." source

In other words, when there is an infection, the red blood cells are damaged and actually become harmful. They drop the oxygen they were carrying and it becomes toxic.

So not only are the red blood cells oblivious to the attack, but they contribute to it. When under attack, the white blood cell has to stop the infection from turning the red blood cells into toxic death traps.

I think I am a white blood cell. Do you? If you don't think the body of government/ earth/ humanity is sick, then you're probably not a wbc. If you don't appreciate the metaphor, then you're probably not a wbc. WBC's study disease. Then when one comes along, they bring evidence to their wbc peers and one of them says, "I've studied that, here's how to kill it!" Then they all go save the body.


In times of Disease, the white blood cells are super important and need to act before the red blood cells become toxic and kill the body.

In times of Health, the red blood cells are super important because they need to move oxygen around the body so it functions properly when it's healthy. The WBC's have a minor role at that time just casually looking for danger and raising the alarm over small threats.

I'm raising the biggest alarm I can. This entire website is like a white blood cell on a bullhorn saying "We are under attack! White Blood Cells, Assemble!"

In the metaphor I'm using, the red blood cell could be like a surgeon, performing life saving procedures. It's not the surgeons job to watch illuminati videos on youtube. He's supposed to concentrate on his craft. He is a Red Blood Cell. It's nothing to be ashamed of. It's necessary. It's more necessary than White Blood Cells, and that's why there are more of them.

White blood cells would be like the truthers. They spend their time studying dystopias and tyrannies in history and fiction like 1984 and Brave New World. They major in philosophy. Then they raise the alarm when Covid Vaccine Passports remind them of papers in Nazi Germany. "Hey, I've seen this before!" They say. Or, "I don't like where this is going..." My job is not to be a brain surgeon. It's to gather all the evidence I have gleaned of the infection (tyranny) as a white blood cell (truther), and to advertise the problem so other white blood cells (truthers) can join up and fight the infection (tyranny).

Vaccine Passports and The New News Feed


Happy birthday to my sister, Melissa. Today I proposed a new type of news feed with and I wrote a news story on vaccine passports.

I'm really thrilled Russell Brand is making these videos and can see through the smokescreen so many are befuddled by.

Mapping Reality


Rejection Letters

When I graduated from Coding Dojo I started applying for jobs as a web developer and game designer.

I would hear nothing back, or when I did hear something back, it was a rejection letter.

I was spending so much of my time trying to be accepted by them, I was barely getting any work done. Then something occured to me.

What if I switched the script on these companies? What if instead of receiving rejection letters I wrote them one instead?

"Dear Google", I wrote, "Thank you for your interest in me and your offer of a position in your company. However, at this time, I'm focused on my personal projects like making a 3D video game. Sincerely, Maxwell Lawrence ___."

This put me in a mindset of abundance rather than lack. In order to write that letter I had to enter the mindset of being valuable. I had to justify the letter and come up with reasons why I was turning them down. With this new mindset, my productivity soared, and wouldn't you know, Google called me for an interview. I never even applied. All I did was write them a rejection letter and not send it anywhere. I flipped the script on Reality. Instead of not getting accepted anywhere, I had Google pitching me.

Then Amazon came knocking as well. I also didn't apply to them. I wasn't applying anywhere, I was just working. Suddenly I had 2 dream interviews set up.

I ended up blowing all my interviews. I was addicted to marijuana and video games and just blew it. The night before my Amazon interview I was up all night smoking and in the morning I was basically too sick to do it, but it made no sense anyway because I wasn't prepared.

Girlfriend wanted vs. Girls vying for my attention

When I went to Santa Cruz for the second time, in my senior year, I was intent on getting a girlfriend. It was my goal. To pass my classes and get a girlfriend. It wasn't really working out trying to get a girlfriend, then suddenly I came across this video online. It was a hypnosis video called "Pretty girls are vying for my attention" and it just said that over and over. It was welcome to me because I was so tired of trying to get a girlfriend I liked the idea of them trying to get me for a change. The next day, I met my girlfriend. I just walked right up to her table and sat down and had lunch with her and got her number and asked her out. I was of the mindset that she wanted that to happen, so it did. When my mindset was that I want it, it wouldn't work, but the instant I flipped the script on Reality, I had a beautiful college girlfriend named Ashley.

I can't find the video but it may have been pornagraphic. I think it was on a pornagraphic website but somehow not explict. Anyway, it was hypnosis and it totally worked and I ended up graduating that year with that girlfriend and she was asking me to be her boyfriend and sleeping with me before I knew what happened. I said no because I already had a date with my crush I suddenly had the confidence to ask out. It was very bizarre how fast everything changed after my perspective did.

Those are the 2 that stick out to me. More recently I would say that I switched my mindset at work from "This is broken" to "I'm going to fix it and it's going to be awesome" and that worked out nicely with a raise, but it's not quite as awesome as a girlfriend or a google interview.

Will Smith

Will Smith has a great quote that if you decide what's going to happen the universe will get out of your way like a river going around a rock.

I guess what I've decided is that I'm going to build an awesome website and create worthwhile content to the best of my ability and I'm going to create an online ecosystem where people can experience my contribution to the world. My gift to people.


New Song! I think it's one of my best ever.


Spaghetti Monster and CTMU

The philosophy of Censorship and the smartest man in the world


Godzilla vs Kong

Godzilla vs. Kong


Yes, I'm writing a paper on the new movie Godzilla vs. Kong. This essay is not for the uninitiated. I'm not going to hamstring myself by walking you through how I got here. I'm going to be writing about the bleeding edge of my thoughts. I think that Godzilla vs. Kong contained many hidden messages and profound meaning. I think you had the usual Hollywood tricks, but also some truth drops as well as an esoteric theme.

Godzilla represents God. King Kong represents Humanity. Mechagodzilla represents technology.

King kong doesn't bow down to anyone, not even Godzilla. This pisses Godzilla off. Godzilla pins King Kong, and instead of finishing him off with his atomic breath, he just roars in his face, and Kong finally submits with a roar of his own acknowledging, "Ya, you win". Godzilla has proven his point and walks away.

In an earlier scene, Godzilla attacks the corporation Apex because they are making Mechagodzilla and trying to replace him. God doesnt like technology trying to play God. The theme of this movie is that once man submits to God, he and God can work together to overcome technology. Technology is the real enemy. The little deaf girl in the film who communicates with Kong even tells him, "Godzilla is not your enemy. That (Mechagodzilla) is your enemy." So King Kong, who represents us and our hubris, switches from losing an impossible battle with God, to teaming up with God against technology.

The hollywood tricks are having things like wacky conspiracy theorists and podcasts and kind of poking fun at the whole truth movement. They even mention fluoride in the tap water. Hollywood also drops a 33 several times in the film, but none more significant than in the elevator. In the beginning of the movie, you have a black podcaster conspiracy theorist trying to expose his own company, apex. He hacks into the computer and sees something secret on "Sublevel 33" in the manifest. The number 33 is a reference to freemasonry and the 33rd degree being the highest degree.

Later in the elevator, the black guy and millie bobby brown and her sidekick are traveling to the sublevel 33 and the sidekick asks, "How deep does it go?" and the black guy replies, "Hell. It goes all the way to Hell". This is one of the most crucial parts of the movie to understand. Since the 33rd sublevel is a reference to freemasonry, the sidekick is really asking "What happens if you keep progressing after reaching the 33rd rank?" And then Hollywood is saying back, "You can keep going deeper and deeper into the secret societies until it takes you all the way to hell." Like the Devil, is an infinity degree mason.

See, Lucifer thought he could outdo God. That's the whole idea of this movie. Godzilla is God which means he rules over Kings, like King Kong. God is King of Kings. But Lucifer thinks he can use technology to overpower God. Lucifer goes to war with God. Lucifer loses and is cast out to Earth with his angels. That's where we are. Lucifer is still trying to outdo God by playing God himself in a competitive way.

So eventually, like in the final scene of the movie, technology and God will go to war again, and humanity will be watching. And we should side with God and defeat technology. Instead of rebelling against God, like Humanity is currently doing, we should be rebelling against technology instead and honouring God.

The Luciferian mindset would be for Kong to side with Mechagodzilla and watch Godzilla die. The Irony of that is that Mechagodzilla would probalby kill King Kong after he's done with Godzilla.

Godzilla is the only thing capable of overpowering King Kong without killing him. Like, King Kong has to chose in the final scene between two masters. Technology or God. Only God will spare him as his master. Technology will destroy him. The little deaf girl explains this to him and she would represent wisdom or compassion in this movie. So Kong sides with Godzilla and then has a truce with him at the end, an understanding that they can work together, and that Godzilla could kill him if he really wanted to, and that's okay,

Better to deal with the devil you know, then the one you don't.

You cannot serve two masters, God and Technology. Either you will hate one or despise the other, In the bible the two masters are God and Money. But I think Technology is becoming more important than money.

Godzilla even has God in his name. And King Kong is a monkey, and we have most in common with monkies. I think it's a Titan Metaphor for the relationship between God, Man, and Technology. I think the deeper you go into freemasonry, the closer you get to hell. Hell is for people who chose Technology over God. Hell is the place for The Devil who was Lucifer and all the fallen Angels who thought they could do better than God.

Trying to replace God is the ultimate act of disrespect toward your creator. I always operate under the assumption that I know very little compared to God. I see more wisdom in a tree than I do in most people. I see the branches sprawling in different directions to get sunlight, and the root structure making the most of its surroundings. I view nature as supremely intelligent. Man can try to beat it with technology, but that's a luciferian pursuit. I think there is a place for technology, but that it's important to respect God and Nature while you're building it.


Again, if you think you don't need God to get to Heaven. If you think you can create your own heaven or be your own God that is what Lucifer thought too. If you think you don't need the keys to Hades that Jesus has to overcome death, if you think you can build your own keys and become immortal yourself with technology then you are antichrist and luciferian.

Also, notice how the human who builds the technology to overthrow God(zilla) ends up getting killed by his own technology. So, the message God is sending is that if you try to overthrow him with technology it will be your own demise. That path is death. Surrendering to God is the only path to life, for King Kong, or humanity.


Watch Godzilla vs. Kong 2021 for free here


I had my video removed by youtube!!!! I'm so honoured. I'd like to thank the academy.... so here is a video of the video, I'm guessing my channel will soon be banned. I defeated the Russian in chess by the way, and then I blew a winning endgame in the third game.


Meme Creator

black spidey

I took another crack at making a meme creator app . It's surprisingly difficult to make the picture the user enters into a meme where the top and bottom text appear over the picture. Text, pic, Text is easy but having the three jumbled together is very hard to work with. My idea was to use an invisable image of the same image in between the text. That way I can set the background to the whole div and have my text inside that background with the proper space in between. It works but I have to set background image to cover instead of contain. Problem with "cover" is that it fills up the whole div even if part of it is off screen. Contain will shrink it down so it fits but I need it to cover the whole div so the text is agains the picture instead of over it or below it.



New Reviews

I have some new reviews for Spiderman 2 and The Last of Us.



This music video is just a still image but animated. It's so cool it's why I learned photoshop and I'd like to be able to do that for my own songs


Web Applications

Pokemon Card Game poke

I like making DJ Aliens so much I want to make more single page web applications.

I've always liked messing around with Object Oriented Programming. I've made DBZ games in the past

Now I'm making a pokemon card game.

Eventually I would want to make up my own card game with my own rules and strategy

It would be fun to make a game with AI that I enjoy playing.

The latest pokemon game was too easy, so I want something like that but more challenging.


Pure Gold

This video from Matt discusses Travelling to Hawaii during Covid and being forced to quarantine in a hotel room even when you're not sick.

My friend Matt, who in my last video I compared to the Fields Medal Winner in Good Will Hunting, recently travelled to Hawaii and had to deal with quarantining as well. Matt from Quantum of Conscience also had a friend locked down due to a paperwork error. This video is pure gold so I'm going to introduce a new gold color scheme for special posts like this moving forward.

And let me just say, What's the difference between the Taliban forcing women to cover their faces, and my local Jersey Mike's doing the same thing for me to get my sandwich?


In order for me to go out into public and get a sandwich, I have to wear a mask. If I forget my mask, I will be unable to purchase my food. So do you see the connection to the Taliban situation now? You might think, well God isn't real so those Taliban guys are forcing dumb rules for a nonexistant God, whereas in the US we are free but coronavirus is real so we have to take precautions. No. The situations are parallel and the same. The fact is both you in america today and a girl in the taliban of 10 years ago both have to put on a face covering to go out in public. Period.

What's the point of a bill of rights when the Government is in a perpetual state of emergency? How can people actually think they have any rights or civil liberties when they are circumvented at the drop of a hat by our Governor Gruesome. Gavin Newsome - G. Newsome - Gruesome I'll call him. Gaverner Gruesome can just order my movie theater to be closed and my job to fire me because of an invisible threat, so where are my rights? It's madness.


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